Restaurant U MALÍŘU 1543
The building was adjoined to the rampart of the Maltese church and monastery, and was thus obliged to follow so-called lateral law and books of the church. In 1543 the painter Šic bought the house for 40 loads of groschen from Jiřík Kuřátko and it has been called U Malířů (At the Painters’) ever since. In 1604 it was bought by Jan Litoměřický from Jizbica and in 1607 Benedikt Galthan purchased it from his orphans and rebuilt it.
Delicious food
A combination of traditional cuisine, high quality wines and historical interior will enable visitors to entirely enjoy the atmosphere and fully appreciate the dinner at such a remarkable place which restaurant U Malířů doubtlessly is.
Nápojový a vinný lístek
K jídlu patří i dobré pití, K jídlu patří i dobré pití, K jídlu patří i dobré pití, K jídlu patří i dobré pití, K jídlu patří i dobré pití, K jídlu patří i dobré pití, K jídlu patří i dobré pití, K jídlu patří i dobré pití, K jídlu patří i dobré pití, K jídlu patří i dobré pití,